I invite you to join me........
I had this idea on the way home from south Georgia yesterday and I hope you'll get involved.
Between now and the end of Christmas - I'm going to share pictures of some of my favorite ornaments and holiday decorations. If the ornament has a story, then I'll share that too.
It will be like each of us sharing something special and spreading the holiday cheer.
I've already taken some pictures of some of my favorite ornaments on my mom's tree and once I unload the memory chip in my camera - I'll share those. My goal this morning is to spend 3 hours working on my decorations and get as much done in that time as possible. Hopefully, I will have some of my own ornaments/decorations to share within a day or two.
So come on - grab your camera, snap some shots of your ornaments/decorations (or anything that sparkles) and start blogging. This isn't a contest of who has the most beautifully decorated home or the cleanest home or who can take the best pictures or who can modify a file (don't make it complicated) - its simply a way for us to spread the sparkle....
When you post it on your blog, invite others to join you in operation 'Spread The Sparkle'.
Include (just c&p) the following information:
Join me in Operation "Spread The Sparkle"
- In the comment section of this blog that you are reading now - leave a comment that you accept the invitation to participate along with the address to your own blog so readers will know how to find you.
- Email [email protected] with your blog address and announcement of participation in Operation "Spread The Sparkle."
- Announce your participation in Operation "Spread The Sparkle" on your
own blog. Be sure and include the link to the blog where you received
the invitation for "Spread The Sparkle."
- Invite others to join in "Spread The Sparkle" by including this snipit of instructions on your blog (just copy and paste into an entry on your blog).
- Snap some shots of your decorations, favorite ornaments, anything that sparkles and has something to do with the holidays.
- Share the photo(s) on your blog. You can do as few as one or more than one hundred.
- Including a story or tale is not required.
- You may include decorations from your area that do not belong to your home - just be sure to tell where they are from (city/area).
- Share as many as you can between now and January 5Th (the official end of Christmas)
- Keep track of how many sparkles you actually share and leave your total in the comments section on lifeslaundry.blogs.com
Let's see just how many people we can get to join us....some of you have quite a following in readership and can make a huge difference in how many people get an invitation to join. Of course it will be up to them to "accept" the invitation......but this could be really fun.
I ***love*** holiday decorations and all things that sparkle.....and I can't wait to see what everyone has to share.
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