Not complaining, mind you - but time is flying faster than I realized. It's almost the end of February. Yikes! It seems like just a few days ago that we were saying hello to February and I was in south Georgia. I've loved hearing from all of you that got the Lash product featured in my last post. I knew you would love it as I do and as other clients do. Congratulations on deciding to try it. That's how you afford yourself the opportunity to love it.
This has been an incredibly wonderful month for me professionally with my personal business. At the first of the year (after that retreat), I committed to increase my personal business and decrease my Director business. Don't get me wrong, I am still working and mentoring and supporting women who are taking a proactive approach to their own financial security but I'm not spending time begging and attempting to convince people who just aren't committed. I stopped calling and emailing and whatever else it was that occupied my time with them and which produced nothing but frustration and the absence of positive results in my unit. I didn't even bother to notify people who needed to order this month to remain active.
With that decision came a new focus. I wanted to get back to the very things that I originally loved about this business and that which fed my soul (and pocketbook). I wanted to get back to having more FUN. I began focusing on bookings and personal sales and things that I could control. I used to be really good at those things and produced higher than average results. I wanted to get back to that. I am back. I held more spas this month than I did in previous months this past year. My total deposits were over $4900. I paid off another debt with the profit from those deposits while continuing to fund our family budget. More than 70% of that was actual profit since a some of those things were limited and I will not be taking part of the money to use for replacement. That's just straight profit and I like it. I also logged all my time and how I spent it. I averaged over $112 profit/hour that I worked. I paid my family's bills, I paid off debt. I fed my kids and my dog and I even managed to submit over 200 something items to that consignment sale. How anyone (in today's economy) can't see that a "Plan B" for a family's finances is in order just amazes me. The thing that I'm most satisfied with is that I didn't sit by as a victim and watch it happen while giving into the feelings of dispair and helplessness. I lived the solution. I produced a solution (with the help of others) and I was active in the answer and making it happen.
BTW, I stopped by the consignment sale yesterday and over 80% of the entire contents of the sale are sold. It didn't take but about 10 minutes to flip through the clothes on the rack and see than nothing that I contributed remains. This really delights me since that means it all sold and I'll be receiving $$$ for those items. I'm already planning for the one they hold in the fall. One of the points here is that I took responsibility for a financial benefit and it paid off because I helped to make it pay off.
I recently met a woman who just went on and on non stop moaning about her family's financial situation and when I interrupted her to ask what did she plan to do about it, she just rolled her eyes and said that she hadn't even gotten to the worst parts. When I pushed for the answer, she just blurted out that she guessed that she'd just file for bankruptcy.
Are we now just a group of people whose mentality is to just wait and see who comes to our rescue or who expects that we should not be required to experience any consequences to our financial and behavioral choices?? (I know......I voted for Obama and I'm not happy about everything that he's doing) I'm talking about people who haven't yet learned that the best way to make ends meet is to get off your own. Step up to the plate and swing for God's sake....and stop your petty moaning and bitching about how you can't pay your bills or go out to eat anymore or that you can't do such and such because your husband *might* lose his job. Get up and DO SOMETHING!! Action brings freedom. When you are acting, you can't focus on being afraid. Stop being a victim of the fear and panic that the media is feeding you. We've gone from a Bush administration that held everyone captive with the terrorist threat to a media and job market that holds everyone captive with the fear of "what if". Move out of that fear.
You have the power to affect change and prosperity in your life and in the life of your family. So what that you don't really consider yourself a "salesperson." Neither do I. I consider myself in the service industry, providing an exceptional product and a service that meets the needs of literally almost everyone that I come into contact with. And stop using the cop-out that you don't want to "be pushy" and that's why you don't even try. Do you think that others would rather listen to you piss, moan and groan about your problems and financial difficulties or listen to you share with them something that will help them relax and look better??? Hello.
If you want the same thing you've been getting and living, then keep doing what you're doing. If you want something different, then do something different. Just make sure that the something different is smart and wise and profitable and PROVEN.
**yeah, I'm not the only one that has proven it. Yeah, there are people who aren't honest and companies trying to bleed you. yeah, nothing's a given.....except that if you remain trapped where you'll still be unhappy and broke.
My BFSK is still alive. Her mind is clear but her speech is slurred a lot. Her body is continuing to shut down. She sleeps much more than last week. I leave for Dallas on Tuesday and will go to her when I return. Be well everyone. Choose well everyone. Love fully everyone.
You know, I could not agree more. Instead of complaining about it - do something. Anything. I've had this same discussion - every one's favorite tag line right now "in these tough times" and lemme tell you if I hear it one more time I'll smack the person who said it. In the face. I'm not kidding.
There is a difference between being broke and being BROKE. There are things in life you can live without - like cable, internet, cell phones, out to eats, brand names clothes, that pretty shiny car in the drive. These are called luxuries and sometimes we can't afford them. We will not die from it. In fact, I'm betting we'll find better ways to spend out time producing results that make us far happier. I'm not so sure we've even seen the HARD TIMES yet.
What I am sure of? Now is a great time to start that side business you've dreamed of. It's a great time to go back to school and make yourself that much more marketable. Here's a thought - go for something you actually like and enjoy what you do. So what if you only make min. wage - if you love it and it feeds your soul you'll be fine. It's not going to kill you to miss that meal at the steak house this week. Fire up the grill and make your own and spend that time with your spouse and your kids. Get to know each other at home. Pull together and plant a garden, do a puzzle, wrestle on the floor. Go - do something, anything but sit on your ass and whine.
And, for heaven's sake, just shut up about these hard times.
rant over. didn't know I had it in me.
Travel safe, and love to you and bfsk.
Posted by: Jinky Bean | February 22, 2009 at 06:57 PM
Thank you for the update on your BFSK. She's been in my thoughts and prayers.
As for the rest of it, I'm sure you already know my opinions on the subject. I understand that I am blessed to be able to work in a profession that I love with many opportunities and flexible hours. However, even if that wasn't the case, I don't think I'd ever be comfortable whining, blaming, or waiting around for somebody to rescue me.
Posted by: NYTM | February 23, 2009 at 11:29 AM