In the south here - there's a saying that we use when there is a lot of 'somethings' in an area......
"You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a (blank)"
So for my southern tribute, I offer this entry:
You can't swing a dead cat in NYC without hitting a:
I counted and made notes each day. During the entire time, not counting ones that we had seen previously, we saw 29 Starbucks Coffee Shops in the city.
Other things that we saw a LOT of include:
Yellow Cabs - unless you need one really quick, then they aren't anywhere to be found
Construction *new and renovation)
Different colored hair
Tattoos (some impressive, some disgusting, IMO)
People........of all nationalities, social levels, types (I'll leave you to decipher the meaning of that word)
Deli - from small hole-in-the-wall-the-food-is-to-die-for good....to corner grocery stores
Pigeons (we loved this part of the trip because it was so exciting for J but plain and simple for us)
Souvenir Stands that sell junk
Trash Bags waiting to be picked up by city workers
iPods and earphones attached to everyone's ears
Cellular phones attached to the ear with earphones
Almost everything seemed exaggerated to a certain degree. There were just mounds of people and things to do and places to go.
I'm eternally thankful that we weren't swinging dead cats.